Beat the travel and stay on track with your health and fitness goals! Any travel (big or small) is part of peoples lives whether it be for pleasure or work, you can’t escape it. Below I have 3 tips to plan accordingly to take back control when you travel and stay on track with your goals.

1. Have A Plan

Without a plan you cannot execute your intentions of staying on track! This one is a HUGE one and there’s a lot of little parts to it that I’ll try to explain.

  • Know your itinerary.
    • Knowing what you already have planned throughout the day can help you with the next step! Map this out on a calendar.
  • Schedule your training and walks.
    • Whether you need to wake up early to get your training in, do so! If you can sneak away during downtime to walk outside, do so! Scope out the hotel gym situation or the space you have available as well as walking trails nearby. Try to schedule at least 1-2 hrs of activity each day!
  • Meal prep.
    • This can look like a lot of things! Scope out restaurants and menus with the healthiest options (heavy on the protein and veggies). Find meal prep services nearby you can order ahead of time and pickup to keep at the place you’re staying. Find the nearest grocery store and pickup some easy ingredients or on-the-go snacks you can prep in your hotel or kitchen if you have one! Bring your food scale if needed to make yourself more accountable to tracking. My biggest tip is try your best to stay away from restaurants/fast food as best as possible. I know this isn’t always the easiest BUT cooking and preparing your meals will always be the best option!

2. Communicate

There are 3 people you need to communicate with when on travel. When everyone knows your goals they can help keep you accountable and respect your commitment to yourself.

  • The people you’ll be spending the most time with.
    • This may be family, friends and or co-workers. You don’t have to scream it from the rooftops that you’re trying to stay on your game plan but when people ask why you’re choosing to skip dessert just kindly explain that your goals are more important then that massive piece of cake. Ignore people that give you a hard time, typically that’s just a reaction from their self-guilt. If you have good people surrounding you, they can help you stay on track and keep you accountable!
  • Your coach.
    • Coaches are there to help, support, guide and keep you accountable. ROPE THEM IN! It’s their job and interest to make sure you are keeping to the promises you made yourself. Whether it’s hotel workouts, meal prep ideas or restaurant guides, we are here to guide you! They might have insight and encouragement that you didn’t think you needed!
  • Yourself.
    • In my honest opinion, this is THE most important. Make sure your goals, you why and your plan are established and written out for you to refer back to when things become difficult… because they will! Plans don’t always pan out so instead of freaking out and choosing the absurd choice in a vulnerable moment, review your why THEN make a choice to support that. This will help in your decision making process. When you don’t have a REAL reason why you’re becoming your best, things will fall quickly.

3. Execute The Plan

It’s as simple as that. Do what’s necessary and reap the benefits. I know what’s necessary is difficult at times but if staying on plan is important to you and you have a WHY behind your goals, everything becomes easier.

Love, Maddie

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