I have hired coaches in just about every area of my life from business to fitness even though I have considerable experience in both.


If I’m honest, I think this has been the major key to success in my life.


I am willing to spend time and money to learn from people who have done the things I aspire to do.


If youre reading this you’re probably a lot like me.


You invest in your health and fitness!


You have hired a coach or joined a gym!


You want more out of your body!


The message I have for you today is about the two directions you can take after you have hired a coach or started a fitness journey!


The easy road or the hard road.


It’s human nature to want to take the path of least resistance




That never ever works!


If you want to make big results in your health and fitness (or any other area of life) you have to believe that taking the path of least resistance is not the way!


I have had people tell me they need to get in shape before joining our gym….they think walking for a few weeks will somehow make the transition into the gym less painful.


That’s the path of least resistance.


I talk with people who want to transform their bodies but the idea of having to cook a few meals on their own completely paralyzes them and makes them say things like “I love food too much to change the way I eat”.


That’s the path of least resistance.


This is your brains attempt to make you feel “safe” when a challenge arises


We create a reason to not take on a challenge in order to avoid the “hard road”.


We try to avoid the pain of change!


If you’re reading this and thinking about the ways you do this I want you to know you are not alone!


It’s not your fault!


This is a very natural human response literally built into our evolutionary DNA.


Our brains try to keep us safe and change is scary!


With that said, what’s natural is NOT always what’s best for us!


I can tell you from my own experience and from working with thousands of clients over the last two decades that trying to avoid the obstacles in your way does not work.


Say this out loud, “THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY”


When you face challenges you need to run towards them, not away from them!


The hard road is filled with obstacles and the lessons learned overcoming them are largely responsible for cementing results into the fabric of your life!


If you’re intimidated by going to the gym…..go to the gym


If you’re scared to get on the scale….step on the scale


If you’re scared to change how you eat….change it


If you think there is a monster under your bed….Grab a flashlight and shine a light under your bed and prove to yourself it doesn’t exist!


That may sound harsh or even a bit silly to you but this is what actually works!


We can try and take the path of least resistance or we can take control and run towards the obstacles in our way.


When we run towards the obstacles, we actually reduce fear.


When we reduce fear, we allow ourselves to pursue the things we desire without limitation.


If this resonates with you and you know you are ready for a real challenge I want to offer you an opportunity.


If this doesn’t resonate with you, it’s time to stop reading and hit delete.


On August 15th we are launching another Challenge that could completely transform your body…and dare I say… your life.


We have had clients lose 10-30lbs like clockwork during our 42 STRONG CHALLENGE.


They were able to not only lose fat but maintain or gain lean muscle by following the simple plan we lay out for you.


We also provide a tremendous amount of accountability so if you fall off track like people tend to do we will be there to help you stand back up and run towards the obstacles that got in your way!


This challenge is NOT for people who want to take the path of least resistance!


We are going to ask you to step into a real challenge and we have made sure it can be done by anyone regardless of their fitness level and experience.


You are capable and we will have your back!


If you are ready to create a change the time is now.


Click the link below or respond to this email with the words “I want IN”




Stay Strong and remember THE OBSTACLE IS THE WAY


Talk soon,


Andy McCloy