Today I was talking to one of our clients as she left the facility this morning.
She joked that because it snowed in the last few days, she really had trouble staying focused on her nutrition, training, and other fitness commitments.
She was NOT the only person I’ve heard this from
It got me thinking about what I call my “anchor”
My “anchor” is training
The “anchor” keeps me grounded and keeps me from moving too far away from my optimal fitness level.
When I train, I am more likely to eat healthy
When I train, I am focused on getting better sleep to recover
When I train, I am more likely to take my supplements
When I train my mood and energy are better
Training makes my life better
So, when life hits the fan due to snow, ice, or whatever I do my very best to find a way to train
Training is not something I do when it’s convenient.
If I choose not to train, there’s a good reason why
So, I challenge you today to find your “anchor”
If you need help just hit reply and the word “anchor” and I’ll take some time to talk through how you can use this “anchor” concept to help you get strong, lean, and resilient so you can live life without limits…even on bad weather days!!
Talk soon,
Andy McCloy
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